We took a vacation as a family to Florida, and when I got back I began to run. I wanted to be in good shape for the spring Adventure Race put on by Raid Pulse.
My ski buddy Gord pointed me to the Hudson Runners and Athletes club.
I began running Thursday nights with a really great group of athletes. Thursday workouts are held at the track, and are interval workouts. Twice a week I'd meet with some cool folks at 6am, and we'd do 6-8 kms. That was great too.
My fitness really improved from the intervals and regular push I got from my 6am runs.
Last May's adventure race went really well. I finally finished a 50km Bike, Bushwhack and kayak race in 7 hours. It was an emotional experience, as I'd been working towards this goal for three years.
I learned how to eat all the time....I brought apples, chocolate and sausage. I even had a Red Bull in my second transition box (in a cooler) that I drank for the kayak leg. I don't normally drink that stuff and it really pumped me up.
After that success we went to Spain, and I ran 14 out of 19 days. That was magical, running in ancient Spanish cities as the sun rose on old castles.
Upon our return I bought new shoes, and promptly injured myself at track.
Turns out it's that nasty little piriformis muscle stressing my sciatic nerve.
After passing the month of August in physio, I began Crossfit at L'Usine Crossfit in September.
In August the email came from the Canadian Ski Marathon and I promptly signed up, just in case I really wanted to do it again!
Another really important decision I made was to begin eating along the guidelines of the Paleo diet. After I read this article on Low-carb Ultramarathoners, I realized I needed to make some changes.
I bought Robb Wolf's book, and cut the grains, rice and soy, about 90 days ago.
I have lost ten pounds and feel amazing. Lots of great physical changes that I won't go into here.
After two and a half months of Crossfit, I feel like I'm in better shape than ever. My core is stronger than ever, hams, glutes and back. I'm very eager to get going with Cross Country skiing.
This past weekend I dropped my skis off at Wayne Johannsen's in Chelsea. He is the Master here in the East of stonegrinding. http://www.gatineaunordiquesport.com/home.en He will make my ski bases flat again, hotbox them and put a nice layer of base wax down.
All I need is snow!
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